Youth Football

Who can play in the Youth Football competition?
Youth football commences from Year 7 and provides a challenging platform for players to develop and enhance their skills with specialist coaches and training sessions. This competition is also referred to as Open Rules.


(Year 7 to 12)

Who can play Youth Football?

Youth football commences from Year 7 and provides a challenging platform for players to develop and enhance their skills with specialist coaches and training sessions. This competition is also referred to as Open Rules.

Youth football registration fees

The $266.50 registration fee for Year 7-10 includes:

  • Games, coaching, match practice and training supported by the Club’s dedicated coaches and volunteers;
  • End of year trophy;
  • Team photo;
  • Insurance

How to register

For all registrations, head to Register | PlayHQ If you are a new player to the club and have not played football before, the WA Football Commission requests birth certificates of all new players in order to set up new records in their database.

If you are looking to play football with us but are a member of another club, you’ll need to complete a transfer. This process can also be completed through

Simply log in with your details, select Bibra Lakes JFC and it will prompt you to start a transfer. Please note that transfers go through a number of approval steps and this could take up to a week. You should then receive an email directing you to log back into PlayHQ and complete the registration process.

If you have any questions about registrations, please contact Liam Duffy, Club Registrar

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